Sunday, April 11, 2010

11 week initiative, day 2. Chocolate Quinoa Cripsies, Rosemary Basil Crackers


It is day two of the 11 week initiative at Raw Food Rehab. I ended the night last night with a banana topped with cinnamon and cocoa powder... just sweet enough to call dessert. I have always been a fan of cereals, as a child and as an adult. I guess I like the crunch. I have made my raw gingerbread granola a few times...

but wanted to try something new. I also like quinoa because it is packed with protein. This is the first time I have tried it raw. I sprouted the quinoa overnight, then made this simple but yummy recipe that will satisfy my craving for cereal or something crunchy. 

Chocolate Quinoa Crispies

1 cup quinoa, sprouted overnight
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons carob powder (can use one or the other)
3 tablespoons agave
dash salt 
dash cinnamon
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 teaspoon stevia (optional)

Mix everything together...

spread onto a non-stick dehydrator sheet. 

Dehydrate at 105 overnight. Enjoy plain, with milk, or however you choose! Here is how it looks done...

I also made some raw crackers in the dehydrator. I started with the same base as the cheese crackers I made before which I am still enjoying, but flavored them different. 

Rosemary Basil Crackers

1 cup soaked almonds
1/2 cup ground flax 
sea salt
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
1 tablespoon dried rosemary 
1 handful fresh basil
 1/2 cup oat bran (this is optional)

Mix everything together in a food processor. Proccess until smooth, add water if you need to. You want it to be thick, but easily spreadable.

Spread onto teflex sheet... Start at 145 for a hour and drop down to 105. After 4 hours peel back non stick sheet and continue to dehydrate until dry. 

Here is one served with raw marinara and a leaf of basil...

What are your favorite things to make? I tend to do most cooking or "uncooking" on the weekends. Do you plan your families meals in advance? I will sometimes have an idea of something to make later in the week, but don't generally plan meals. 

Hope your weekend has been great!


  1. the quinoa crispies look awesome and i have seen raw recipes for buckwheat choc crispies, either ani or sarma or both? have recipes...but i have never made them. I have so little patience w/ dehyding things! I know this sounds lame but the "dhyd ovenight" doenst work for me...I cannot sleep with a major appliance (fire hazard) running. I know, a little neurotic but hey i admit it :)

  2. I have made buckwheat crispies too, but I like that the quinoa has more protein. That's funny about the dehydrator, I don't mind it running but get a little impatient.
